hashicorp raft 源码走读 2

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上文讲到 hashicorp[1] raft 如何做 leader 选举,transport 层如何工作的,本次看下如何做日志复制 log replication


来看一下日志同步的函数 AppendEntriesRequestAppendEntriesResponse

type AppendEntriesRequest struct {
 // Provide the current term and leader
 Term   uint64
 Leader []byte

 // Provide the previous entries for integrity checking
 PrevLogEntry uint64
 PrevLogTerm  uint64

 // New entries to commit
 Entries []*Log

 // Commit index on the leader
 LeaderCommitIndex uint64
  1. Term 当前 leader 的任期,Leader 是 leader id
  2. PrevLogEntryPrevLogTerm 是 leader 知道的该 follower 上一次得到日志的索引和任期号,用于日志一致性检测
  3. Entries 本次 rpc 调用发送的所有日志条目,因为允许 batch 发送,所以是数组
  4. LeaderCommitIndex 当前 leader commit 的日志序号,follower 得到后可以 apply 这之前的所有日志
type AppendEntriesResponse struct {
 // Newer term if leader is out of date
 Term uint64

 // Last Log is a hint to help accelerate rebuilding slow nodes
 LastLog uint64

 // We may not succeed if we have a conflicting entry
 Success bool

 // There are scenarios where this request didn't succeed
 // but there's no need to wait/back-off the next attempt.
 NoRetryBackoff bool
  1. Term 当前 follower 知道的任期号,如果比 leader 的大,说明 leader 过期了,会重新触发选举
  2. 如果日志不匹配,需要 leader 重传缺失的 log, LastLog 表示 follower 拥有的最新 log, 加速 leader 重传,否则每次都是 nextIndex-1 就太低效了
  3. Success 函数调用是否成功,NoRetryBackoff 表示是否需要重传


1. 用户写入

我们先用 application 视角看如何写入共识模块

func (r *Raft) Apply(cmd []byte, timeout time.Duration) ApplyFuture {
 return r.ApplyLog(Log{Data: cmd}, timeout)

用户直接调用 Apply 函数,将 cmd 封装成 Log 调用 ApplyLog 写入,并且提供超时时间 timeout

// ApplyLog performs Apply but takes in a Log directly. The only values
// currently taken from the submitted Log are Data and Extensions.
func (r *Raft) ApplyLog(log Log, timeout time.Duration) ApplyFuture {
 metrics.IncrCounter([]string{"raft", "apply"}, 1)

 var timer <-chan time.Time
 if timeout > 0 {
  timer = time.After(timeout)

 // Create a log future, no index or term yet
 logFuture := &logFuture{
  log: Log{
   Type:       LogCommand,
   Data:       log.Data,
   Extensions: log.Extensions,

 select {
 case <-timer:
  return errorFuture{ErrEnqueueTimeout}
 case <-r.shutdownCh:
  return errorFuture{ErrRaftShutdown}
 case r.applyCh <- logFuture:
  return logFuture

Log 封装到 Future 类里面,然后将 future 写到 raft 的通道 applyCh 里面,异步的等待处理。此时用户需要调用 logFuture.Error() 阻塞等待返回值即可。接下来看一下 raft 模块如何处理

2. 更新 fsm

NewRaft 启动后,会运行两个 goroutine r.runr.runFSM, r.run 根据 raft 节点不同角色来运行不同 raft 函数。r.runFSM 用于从 raft 中获取完成共识的 log, 然后应用到用户的 fsm,然后 logFuture.Error() 解除阻塞,获得数据,先看一下 runFSM

func (r *Raft) runFSM() {
 var lastIndex, lastTerm uint64

 batchingFSM, batchingEnabled := r.fsm.(BatchingFSM)
 configStore, configStoreEnabled := r.fsm.(ConfigurationStore)

 commitSingle := func(req *commitTuple) {
  // Apply the log if a command or config change
  var resp interface{}
  // Make sure we send a response
  defer func() {
   // Invoke the future if given
   if req.future != nil {
    req.future.response = resp

  switch req.log.Type {
  case LogCommand:
   start := time.Now()
   resp = r.fsm.Apply(req.log)
   metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"raft", "fsm", "apply"}, start)

  case LogConfiguration:
   if !configStoreEnabled {
    // Return early to avoid incrementing the index and term for
    // an unimplemented operation.

   start := time.Now()
   configStore.StoreConfiguration(req.log.Index, DecodeConfiguration(req.log.Data))
   metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"raft", "fsm", "store_config"}, start)

  // Update the indexes
  lastIndex = req.log.Index
  lastTerm = req.log.Term

 commitBatch := func(reqs []*commitTuple) {
  if !batchingEnabled {
   for _, ct := range reqs {

  // Only send LogCommand and LogConfiguration log types. LogBarrier types
  // will not be sent to the FSM.
  shouldSend := func(l *Log) bool {
   switch l.Type {
   case LogCommand, LogConfiguration:
    return true
   return false

  var lastBatchIndex, lastBatchTerm uint64
  sendLogs := make([]*Log, 0, len(reqs))
  for _, req := range reqs {
   if shouldSend(req.log) {
    sendLogs = append(sendLogs, req.log)
   lastBatchIndex = req.log.Index
   lastBatchTerm = req.log.Term

  var responses []interface{}
  if len(sendLogs) > 0 {
   start := time.Now()
   responses = batchingFSM.ApplyBatch(sendLogs)
   metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"raft", "fsm", "applyBatch"}, start)
   metrics.AddSample([]string{"raft", "fsm", "applyBatchNum"}, float32(len(reqs)))

   // Ensure we get the expected responses
   if len(sendLogs) != len(responses) {
    panic("invalid number of responses")

  // Update the indexes
  lastIndex = lastBatchIndex
  lastTerm = lastBatchTerm

  var i int
  for _, req := range reqs {
   var resp interface{}
   // If the log was sent to the FSM, retrieve the response.
   if shouldSend(req.log) {
    resp = responses[i]

   if req.future != nil {
    req.future.response = resp

 restore := func(req *restoreFuture) {

 snapshot := func(req *reqSnapshotFuture) {

 for {
  select {
  case ptr := <-r.fsmMutateCh:
   switch req := ptr.(type) {
   case []*commitTuple:

   case *restoreFuture:

    panic(fmt.Errorf("bad type passed to fsmMutateCh: %#v", ptr))

  case req := <-r.fsmSnapshotCh:

  case <-r.shutdownCh:

这个函数先看底下的 for 循环,主要是从 r.fsmMutateCh, r.fsmSnapshotCh 两个通道接收事件,snapshot 相关的先忽略,只看 commitSingle, commitBatch, 应用 Logs 到用户 fsm

  1. commitSingle 很简单,应用单个 Log, cmd 类型是 LogCommand 的话,调用用户层 fsm.Apply 应用日志。如果是 LogConfiguration, 那么 configStore 保存配置变更。
  2. commitBatch 如果用户 fsm 不支持 batch 操作,挨个调用 commitSingle 去应用单个 Log. 否则就可以调用 fsm.ApplyBatch 批量应用日志,可以提高并发

这两步操作最后都要更新 lastIndex, lastTerm, 调用 req.future.respond 写 future, 解除 client 阻塞。至此看完了 raft 与 client 简单交互的逻辑。记住,r.applyCh 用于写用户请求,r.fsmMutateCh 用于读取数据返回到 application 层。

3. leader 接收用户请求

r.run 根据节点角色来调用不同函数,主要是 runLeader, 先忽略其它,只看 leaderLoop 如何处理用户请求

// leaderLoop is the hot loop for a leader. It is invoked
// after all the various leader setup is done.
func (r *Raft) leaderLoop() {
 // stepDown is used to track if there is an inflight log that
 // would cause us to lose leadership (specifically a RemovePeer of
 // ourselves). If this is the case, we must not allow any logs to
 // be processed in parallel, otherwise we are basing commit on
 // only a single peer (ourself) and replicating to an undefined set
 // of peers.
 stepDown := false
 lease := time.After(r.conf.LeaderLeaseTimeout)

 for r.getState() == Leader {
  select {
  case newLog := <-r.applyCh:
   if r.getLeadershipTransferInProgress() {
   // Group commit, gather all the ready commits
   ready := []*logFuture{newLog}
   for i := 0; i < r.conf.MaxAppendEntries; i++ {
    select {
    case newLog := <-r.applyCh:
     ready = append(ready, newLog)

   // Dispatch the logs
   if stepDown {
    // we're in the process of stepping down as leader, don't process anything new
    for i := range ready {
   } else {

select 有很多 case 分支,暂时只看 <-r.applyCh 部分

  1. 判断是否 getLeadershipTransferInProgress 处在 leader 切换中,是的话 respond 错误给 client
  2. 尝试从 r.applyCh 通道中拿更多的 logFuture, 这样可以做 batch 操作,提高性能
  3. 判断是否处在 stepDown 状态,是的话 respond 错误给 client, 解除阻塞
  4. 调和 r.dispatchLogs 发送 ready 所有日志
func (r *Raft) dispatchLogs(applyLogs []*logFuture) {
 now := time.Now()
 defer metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"raft", "leader", "dispatchLog"}, now)

 term := r.getCurrentTerm()
 lastIndex := r.getLastIndex()

 n := len(applyLogs)
 logs := make([]*Log, n)
 metrics.SetGauge([]string{"raft", "leader", "dispatchNumLogs"}, float32(n))

 for idx, applyLog := range applyLogs {
  applyLog.dispatch = now
  applyLog.log.Index = lastIndex
  applyLog.log.Term = term
  logs[idx] = &applyLog.log

 // Write the log entry locally
 if err := r.logs.StoreLogs(logs); err != nil {
  r.logger.Error("failed to commit logs", "error", err)
  for _, applyLog := range applyLogs {
 r.leaderState.commitment.match(r.localID, lastIndex)

 // Update the last log since it's on disk now
 r.setLastLog(lastIndex, term)

 // Notify the replicators of the new log
 for _, f := range r.leaderState.replState {
  1. 获取当前 term 和 lastIndex, 批量填充到所有 applyLogs 中,Index 是递增的,然后 PushBack 到 inflight 队列中
  2. StoreLogs 保存持久化所有 logs, 如果报错,那么循环 respond, 设退到 follower 状态
  3. 调用 match 更新 commitment, 这个是用来判断大多数节点 commit 到哪个 index 上了,多数 commit 就可以 apply 了
  4. setLastLog 更新当前 leader 最新 log 的 index, term
  5. asyncNotifyCh 异步通知当前有新的 log 需要发送到所有 follower

那么 f.triggerCh 哪来的呢?

4. leader 发送请求到 follower

刚才提到 runLeader 函数,里机会调用 startStopReplication 建立给所有 follower 发送消息的通道。我们来看一下

func (r *Raft) startStopReplication() {
 inConfig := make(map[ServerID]bool, len(r.configurations.latest.Servers))
 lastIdx := r.getLastIndex()

 // Start replication goroutines that need starting
 for _, server := range r.configurations.latest.Servers {
  if server.ID == r.localID {
  inConfig[server.ID] = true
  if _, ok := r.leaderState.replState[server.ID]; !ok {
   r.logger.Info("added peer, starting replication", "peer", server.ID)
   s := &followerReplication{
    peer:                server,
    commitment:          r.leaderState.commitment,
    stopCh:              make(chan uint64, 1),
    triggerCh:           make(chan struct{}, 1),
    triggerDeferErrorCh: make(chan *deferError, 1),
    currentTerm:         r.getCurrentTerm(),
    nextIndex:           lastIdx + 1,
    lastContact:         time.Now(),
    notify:              make(map[*verifyFuture]struct{}),
    notifyCh:            make(chan struct{}, 1),
    stepDown:            r.leaderState.stepDown,
   r.leaderState.replState[server.ID] = s
   r.goFunc(func() { r.replicate(s) })
   r.observe(PeerObservation{Peer: server, Removed: false})

 // Stop replication goroutines that need stopping
 for serverID, repl := range r.leaderState.replState {
  if inConfig[serverID] {
  // Replicate up to lastIdx and stop
  r.logger.Info("removed peer, stopping replication", "peer", serverID, "last-index", lastIdx)
  repl.stopCh <- lastIdx
  delete(r.leaderState.replState, serverID)
  r.observe(PeerObservation{Peer: repl.peer, Removed: true})
  1. 遍历配置 configurations, 给每个 follower 建立一个结构体 followerReplication 用于追踪每个 follower 的同步状态。每个 follower 会起一个 replicate 的异步 goroutine
  2. 遍历己有的 replState, 如果有不在 configurations 的节点,那么退出 goroutine

让我们来看一下 replicate 函数

// replicate is a long running routine that replicates log entries to a single
// follower.
func (r *Raft) replicate(s *followerReplication) {
 // Start an async heartbeating routing
 stopHeartbeat := make(chan struct{})
 defer close(stopHeartbeat)
 r.goFunc(func() { r.heartbeat(s, stopHeartbeat) })

 shouldStop := false
 for !shouldStop {
  select {
  case <-s.triggerCh:
   lastLogIdx, _ := r.getLastLog()
   shouldStop = r.replicateTo(s, lastLogIdx)
  // This is _not_ our heartbeat mechanism but is to ensure
  // followers quickly learn the leader's commit index when
  // raft commits stop flowing naturally. The actual heartbeats
  // can't do this to keep them unblocked by disk IO on the
  // follower. See https://github.com/hashicorp/raft/issues/282.
  case <-randomTimeout(r.conf.CommitTimeout):
   lastLogIdx, _ := r.getLastLog()
   shouldStop = r.replicateTo(s, lastLogIdx)

  // If things looks healthy, switch to pipeline mode
  if !shouldStop && s.allowPipeline {
   goto PIPELINE

 // Disable until re-enabled
 s.allowPipeline = false

 // Replicates using a pipeline for high performance. This method
 // is not able to gracefully recover from errors, and so we fall back
 // to standard mode on failure.
 if err := r.pipelineReplicate(s); err != nil {
  if err != ErrPipelineReplicationNotSupported {
   r.logger.Error("failed to start pipeline replication to", "peer", s.peer, "error", err)
 goto RPC
  1. 开启 heartbeat goroutine 做心跳,暂时不看
  2. s.triggerCh 触发,说明有数据待发送到 follower, lastLogIdx 为当前 leader 最新的日志号,根据该 follower 的状态 s 来调用 replicateTo 发送
  3. 最后如果一次 rpc 调有成功,并且配置充许 pipeline 的话,调用 pipelineReplicate 开启流水线发送,提高效率
// replicateTo is a helper to replicate(), used to replicate the logs up to a
// given last index.
// If the follower log is behind, we take care to bring them up to date.
func (r *Raft) replicateTo(s *followerReplication, lastIndex uint64) (shouldStop bool) {
 // Create the base request
 var req AppendEntriesRequest
 var resp AppendEntriesResponse
 var start time.Time
 // Prevent an excessive retry rate on errors
 if s.failures > 0 {
  select {
  case <-time.After(backoff(failureWait, s.failures, maxFailureScale)):
  case <-r.shutdownCh:

 // Setup the request
 if err := r.setupAppendEntries(s, &req, atomic.LoadUint64(&s.nextIndex), lastIndex); err == ErrLogNotFound {
  goto SEND_SNAP
 } else if err != nil {

 // Make the RPC call
 start = time.Now()
 if err := r.trans.AppendEntries(s.peer.ID, s.peer.Address, &req, &resp); err != nil {
  r.logger.Error("failed to appendEntries to", "peer", s.peer, "error", err)
 appendStats(string(s.peer.ID), start, float32(len(req.Entries)))

 // Check for a newer term, stop running
 if resp.Term > req.Term {
  return true

 // Update the last contact

 // Update s based on success
 if resp.Success {
  // Update our replication state
  updateLastAppended(s, &req)

  // Clear any failures, allow pipelining
  s.failures = 0
  s.allowPipeline = true
 } else {
  atomic.StoreUint64(&s.nextIndex, max(min(s.nextIndex-1, resp.LastLog+1), 1))
  if resp.NoRetryBackoff {
   s.failures = 0
  } else {
  r.logger.Warn("appendEntries rejected, sending older logs", "peer", s.peer, "next", atomic.LoadUint64(&s.nextIndex))

 // Poll the stop channel here in case we are looping and have been asked
 // to stop, or have stepped down as leader. Even for the best effort case
 // where we are asked to replicate to a given index and then shutdown,
 // it's better to not loop in here to send lots of entries to a straggler
 // that's leaving the cluster anyways.
 select {
 case <-s.stopCh:
  return true

 // Check if there are more logs to replicate
 if atomic.LoadUint64(&s.nextIndex) <= lastIndex {
  goto START

 // SEND_SNAP is used when we fail to get a log, usually because the follower
 // is too far behind, and we must ship a snapshot down instead
 if stop, err := r.sendLatestSnapshot(s); stop {
  return true
 } else if err != nil {
  r.logger.Error("failed to send snapshot to", "peer", s.peer, "error", err)

 // Check if there is more to replicate
  1. 调用 setupAppendEntries 构建 rpc 请求的 req, 里面包含所有待发送的 logs
  2. transport 调用 AppendEntries 发送请求到网络,如果错误是日志不存在,那么跳转到 sendLatestSnapshot 发送快照
  3. 如果 follower 的任期大于该 leader, 处理 Term 异常的情况
  4. setLastContact 更新该 follower 最新 contact 时间
  5. 调用 updateLastAppended 触发 commitment 发起 match 匹配调用

5. leader 确认提交

leader 调用 replicateTo 发送完数据,会调用 updateLastAppended 触发 match 操作

func updateLastAppended(s *followerReplication, req *AppendEntriesRequest) {
 // Mark any inflight logs as committed
 if logs := req.Entries; len(logs) > 0 {
  last := logs[len(logs)-1]
  atomic.StoreUint64(&s.nextIndex, last.Index+1)
  s.commitment.match(s.peer.ID, last.Index)

 // Notify still leader

更新当前 follower 的 s.nextIndex 下一次待发送日志号,调用 match 触发匹配操作。notifyAll 是用来确认 leader 的,以后再看

func (c *commitment) match(server ServerID, matchIndex uint64) {
 defer c.Unlock()
 if prev, hasVote := c.matchIndexes[server]; hasVote && matchIndex > prev {
  c.matchIndexes[server] = matchIndex

// Internal helper to calculate new commitIndex from matchIndexes.
// Must be called with lock held.
func (c *commitment) recalculate() {
 if len(c.matchIndexes) == 0 {

 matched := make([]uint64, 0, len(c.matchIndexes))
 for _, idx := range c.matchIndexes {
  matched = append(matched, idx)
 quorumMatchIndex := matched[(len(matched)-1)/2]

 if quorumMatchIndex > c.commitIndex && quorumMatchIndex >= c.startIndex {
  c.commitIndex = quorumMatchIndex

给所有 follower 的 matchIndex 做排序,过半 quorum 接收到的就可以 commit 了,更新 c.commitIndex, 然后通知 c.commitCh 可以 apply 后续操作了。

func (r *Raft) leaderLoop() {
 // stepDown is used to track if there is an inflight log that
 // would cause us to lose leadership (specifically a RemovePeer of
 // ourselves). If this is the case, we must not allow any logs to
 // be processed in parallel, otherwise we are basing commit on
 // only a single peer (ourself) and replicating to an undefined set
 // of peers.
 stepDown := false
 lease := time.After(r.conf.LeaderLeaseTimeout)

 for r.getState() == Leader {
  select {
  case <-r.leaderState.commitCh:
   // Process the newly committed entries
   oldCommitIndex := r.getCommitIndex()
   commitIndex := r.leaderState.commitment.getCommitIndex()
   start := time.Now()
   var groupReady []*list.Element
   var groupFutures = make(map[uint64]*logFuture)
   var lastIdxInGroup uint64

   // Pull all inflight logs that are committed off the queue.
   for e := r.leaderState.inflight.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
    commitLog := e.Value.(*logFuture)
    idx := commitLog.log.Index
    if idx > commitIndex {
     // Don't go past the committed index

    // Measure the commit time
    metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"raft", "commitTime"}, commitLog.dispatch)
    groupReady = append(groupReady, e)
    groupFutures[idx] = commitLog
    lastIdxInGroup = idx

   // Process the group
   if len(groupReady) != 0 {
    r.processLogs(lastIdxInGroup, groupFutures)

    for _, e := range groupReady {

忽略 leaderLoop 函数里其它分支,只看 r.leaderState.commitCh 消息

  1. oldCommitIndex 是旧的 commit index, 调用 getCommitIndex 从 commitment 里获取最新的 commitIndex,中间的差值就是可以 commit 并 apply 的
  2. 获取 inFlight 中所有可以 commit 的 Logs groupFutures
  3. 调用 processLogs 处理日志,并且从 inFlight 队列中删除
func (r *Raft) processLogs(index uint64, futures map[uint64]*logFuture) {
 // Reject logs we've applied already
 lastApplied := r.getLastApplied()
 if index <= lastApplied {
  r.logger.Warn("skipping application of old log", "index", index)

 applyBatch := func(batch []*commitTuple) {
  select {
  case r.fsmMutateCh <- batch:
  case <-r.shutdownCh:
   for _, cl := range batch {
    if cl.future != nil {

 batch := make([]*commitTuple, 0, r.conf.MaxAppendEntries)

 // Apply all the preceding logs
 for idx := lastApplied + 1; idx <= index; idx++ {
  var preparedLog *commitTuple
  // Get the log, either from the future or from our log store
  future, futureOk := futures[idx]
  if futureOk {
   preparedLog = r.prepareLog(&future.log, future)
  } else {
   l := new(Log)
   if err := r.logs.GetLog(idx, l); err != nil {
    r.logger.Error("failed to get log", "index", idx, "error", err)
   preparedLog = r.prepareLog(l, nil)

  switch {
  case preparedLog != nil:
   // If we have a log ready to send to the FSM add it to the batch.
   // The FSM thread will respond to the future.
   batch = append(batch, preparedLog)

   // If we have filled up a batch, send it to the FSM
   if len(batch) >= r.conf.MaxAppendEntries {
    batch = make([]*commitTuple, 0, r.conf.MaxAppendEntries)

  case futureOk:
   // Invoke the future if given.

 // If there are any remaining logs in the batch apply them
 if len(batch) != 0 {

 // Update the lastApplied index and term
  1. lastApplied 到 index 之间都是可以 commit 并 apply 到 fsm 的数据
  2. 遍历这些 logs, 如果当前节点是 leader 那么在 futures map 中肯定存在,如果是 follower 节点,那么肯定不存在。都会调用 prepareLog 准备数据,区别就是要从持久化的 r.logs.GetLog 中获取日志
  3. 追加到 batch 数组中,如果超过了 MaxAppendEntries 阈值,那么直接调用 applyBatch,实际就是写到上文提到的 r.fsmMutateCh
  4. 最后 batch 小于最大数量时 applyBatch,更新 lastApplied

6. follower 接收请求

runFollower 调用 processRPC 处理接收到的请求

// processRPC is called to handle an incoming RPC request. This must only be
// called from the main thread.
func (r *Raft) processRPC(rpc RPC) {
 if err := r.checkRPCHeader(rpc); err != nil {
  rpc.Respond(nil, err)

 switch cmd := rpc.Command.(type) {
 case *AppendEntriesRequest:
  r.appendEntries(rpc, cmd)
 case *RequestVoteRequest:
  r.requestVote(rpc, cmd)
 case *InstallSnapshotRequest:
  r.installSnapshot(rpc, cmd)
 case *TimeoutNowRequest:
  r.timeoutNow(rpc, cmd)
  r.logger.Error("got unexpected command",
   "command", hclog.Fmt("%#v", rpc.Command))
  rpc.Respond(nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected command"))

我们只看 appendEntries 就好

// appendEntries is invoked when we get an append entries RPC call. This must
// only be called from the main thread.
func (r *Raft) appendEntries(rpc RPC, a *AppendEntriesRequest) {
 defer metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"raft", "rpc", "appendEntries"}, time.Now())
 // Setup a response
 resp := &AppendEntriesResponse{
  RPCHeader:      r.getRPCHeader(),
  Term:           r.getCurrentTerm(),
  LastLog:        r.getLastIndex(),
  Success:        false,
  NoRetryBackoff: false,
 var rpcErr error
 defer func() {
  rpc.Respond(resp, rpcErr)

 // Ignore an older term
 if a.Term < r.getCurrentTerm() {

 // Increase the term if we see a newer one, also transition to follower
 // if we ever get an appendEntries call
 if a.Term > r.getCurrentTerm() || r.getState() != Follower {
  // Ensure transition to follower
  resp.Term = a.Term

 // Save the current leader

 // Verify the last log entry
 if a.PrevLogEntry > 0 {
  lastIdx, lastTerm := r.getLastEntry()

  var prevLogTerm uint64
  if a.PrevLogEntry == lastIdx {
   prevLogTerm = lastTerm

  } else {
   var prevLog Log
   if err := r.logs.GetLog(a.PrevLogEntry, &prevLog); err != nil {
    r.logger.Warn("failed to get previous log",
     "previous-index", a.PrevLogEntry,
     "last-index", lastIdx,
     "error", err)
    resp.NoRetryBackoff = true
   prevLogTerm = prevLog.Term

  if a.PrevLogTerm != prevLogTerm {
   r.logger.Warn("previous log term mis-match",
    "ours", prevLogTerm,
    "remote", a.PrevLogTerm)
   resp.NoRetryBackoff = true

 // Process any new entries
 if len(a.Entries) > 0 {
  start := time.Now()

  // Delete any conflicting entries, skip any duplicates
  lastLogIdx, _ := r.getLastLog()
  var newEntries []*Log
  for i, entry := range a.Entries {
   if entry.Index > lastLogIdx {
    newEntries = a.Entries[i:]
   var storeEntry Log
   if err := r.logs.GetLog(entry.Index, &storeEntry); err != nil {
    r.logger.Warn("failed to get log entry",
     "index", entry.Index,
     "error", err)
   if entry.Term != storeEntry.Term {
    r.logger.Warn("clearing log suffix",
     "from", entry.Index,
     "to", lastLogIdx)
    if err := r.logs.DeleteRange(entry.Index, lastLogIdx); err != nil {
     r.logger.Error("failed to clear log suffix", "error", err)
    if entry.Index <= r.configurations.latestIndex {
     r.setLatestConfiguration(r.configurations.committed, r.configurations.committedIndex)
    newEntries = a.Entries[i:]

  if n := len(newEntries); n > 0 {
   // Append the new entries
   if err := r.logs.StoreLogs(newEntries); err != nil {
    r.logger.Error("failed to append to logs", "error", err)
    // TODO: leaving r.getLastLog() in the wrong
    // state if there was a truncation above

   // Handle any new configuration changes
   for _, newEntry := range newEntries {

   // Update the lastLog
   last := newEntries[n-1]
   r.setLastLog(last.Index, last.Term)

  metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"raft", "rpc", "appendEntries", "storeLogs"}, start)

 // Update the commit index
 if a.LeaderCommitIndex > 0 && a.LeaderCommitIndex > r.getCommitIndex() {
  start := time.Now()
  idx := min(a.LeaderCommitIndex, r.getLastIndex())
  if r.configurations.latestIndex <= idx {
   r.setCommittedConfiguration(r.configurations.latest, r.configurations.latestIndex)
  r.processLogs(idx, nil)
  metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"raft", "rpc", "appendEntries", "processLogs"}, start)

 // Everything went well, set success
 resp.Success = true
  1. 构建响应 AppendEntriesResponse,如果 leader 发来的 term 小于自身 follower 的,返回并报错
  2. 如果 leader term 大于自身的,那么状态要强制写成 follower
  3. setLeader 更新当前 follower 知道的 leader id
  4. PrevLogEntry, PrevLogTerm 用于判断日志一致性检查
  5. a.Entries 是要 commit 的 logs, 但是如果和现有 logs 有重叠的部分,那么要检查冲突并删除
  6. newEntries 表示可以安全写入的 logs, StoreLogs 保存,如果这中间的配置的变更,也要应用
  7. LeaderCommitIndex 表示 leader 己经 commit 到的 index, follower 可以安全的 apply 到 min(a.LeaderCommitIndex, r.getLastIndex()) 这个位置



  1. batch 操作,如果不支持的话,系统性能尤其是 fsm 性能差很多
  2. pipeline 流水线复制,用过 redis 的都懂,如果允许 pipeline 网络性能会提升很多

还有待优化的地方,比如 follower processLogs 的时候,logs 需要从存储中获取,但是很多时候 raft 传播日志很快,logs 保存个 lru 列表或是缓存更好一些,减少每次无意义的 IO 调用。

另外 runLeader 中,r.applyCh 持久化 Logs, 与 apply Logs 是串行的,真的一定要串行嘛?


这次分享就这些,以后面还会分享更多 etcd 与 raft 的内容。


[1]hashicorp raft: https://github.com/hashicorp/raft,





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