在上一篇文章中我们谈论了Model View Presenter (MVP)的概念和在Android开发中的优点。这是系列文章的第二篇,我们来动手实践一下,将使用典型的形式实现一个MVP结构,不使用任何Android SDK或JAVA以外的库。
Presenter是View和Model的中间人。它从Model层获取数据,格式化后返回给View层。 但是和典型的MVC模式不同的是,它还决定如何处理你和视图的交互。
视图层,通常是由Activity实现,其中包含有presenter的引用。视图层唯一要做的事就是响应 用户的操作,调用Presenter层的方法。
在有良好分层结构的应用中,Model层只是domain层或者业务逻辑的入口。把它看做视图层 数据的提供者就好。
以上优秀的定义提取自Antonio Leiva’s article
Model View Presenter (MVP) 行为图
Model View Presenter 类图
注意:由于实现MVP模式已经很复杂了,我不会实现其他多余的内容。我假设读者都对Android SDK有很好的理解,因此不需要我关注这些。
* Aggregates all communication operations between MVP pattern layer:
* Model, View and Presenter
public interface MainMVP {
* View mandatory methods. Available to Presenter
* Presenter -> View
interface RequiredViewOps {
void showToast(String msg);
void showAlert(String msg);
// any other ops
* Operations offered from Presenter to View
* View -> Presenter
interface PresenterOps {
void onConfigurationChanged(RequiredViewOps view);
void onDestroy(boolean isChangingConfig);
void novaNota(String textoNota);
void deletaNota(Nota nota);
// any other ops to be called from View
* Operations offered from Presenter to Model
* Model -> Presenter
interface RequiredPresenterOps {
void onNotaInserida(Nota novaNota);
void onNotaRemovida(Nota notaRemovida);
void onError(String errorMsg);
// Any other returning operation Model -> Presenter
* Model operations offered to Presenter
* Presenter -> Model
interface ModelOps {
void insereNota(Nota nota);
void removeNota(Nota nota);
void onDestroy();
// Any other data operation
public class MainPresenter implements MainMVP.RequiredPresenterOps, MainMVP.PresenterOps {
// Layer View reference
private WeakReference<MainMVP.RequiredViewOps> mView;
// Layer Model reference
private MainMVP.ModelOps mModel;
// Configuration change state
private boolean mIsChangingConfig;
public MainPresenter(MainMVP.RequiredViewOps mView) {
this.mView = new WeakReference<>(mView);
this.mModel = new MainModel(this);
* Sent from Activity after a configuration changes
* @param view View reference
public void onConfigurationChanged(MainMVP.RequiredViewOps view) {
mView = new WeakReference<>(view);
* Receives {@link MainActivity#onDestroy()} event
* @param isChangingConfig Config change state
public void onDestroy(boolean isChangingConfig) {
mView = null;
mIsChangingConfig = isChangingConfig;
if ( !isChangingConfig ) {
* Called by user interaction from {@link MainActivity}
* creates a new Note
public void newNote(String noteText) {
Note note = new Note();
* Called from {@link MainActivity},
* Removes a Note
public void removeNote(Note note) {
* Called from {@link MainModel}
* when a Note is inserted successfully
public void onNoteInsert(Note newNote) {
mView.get().showToast("New register added at " + newNote.getDate());
* Receives call from {@link MainModel}
* when Note is removed
public void onNoteRemoved(Note noteRemoved) {
mView.get().showToast("Note removed);
* receive errors
public void onError(String errorMsg) {
public class MainModel implements MainMVP.ModelOps {
// Presenter reference
private MainMVP.RequiredPresenterOps mPresenter;
public MainModel(MainMVP.RequiredPresenterOps mPresenter) {
this.mPresenter = mPresenter;
* Sent from {@link MainPresenter#onDestroy(boolean)}
* Should stop/kill operations that could be running
* and aren't needed anymore
public void onDestroy() {
// destroying actions
// Insert Note in DB
public void insertNote(Note note) {
// data business logic
// ...
// Removes Note from DB
public void removeNote(Note note) {
// data business logic
// ...
这就是说,我们需要增加第四个元素StateMaintainer,负责在生命周期的变化中维护Presenter和Model的状态。使用retained fragment来实现这个对象,如下是一个简化的MVP模式Activity生命周期:
public class StateMaintainer {
protected final String TAG = getClass().getSimpleName();
private final String mStateMaintenerTag;
private final WeakReference<FragmentManager> mFragmentManager;
private StateMngFragment mStateMaintainerFrag;
* Constructor
* @param fragmentManager FragmentManager reference
* @param stateMaintainerTAG the TAG used to insert the state maintainer fragment
public StateMaintainer(FragmentManager fragmentManager, String stateMaintainerTAG) {
mFragmentManager = new WeakReference<>(fragmentManager);
mStateMaintenerTag = stateMaintainerTAG;
* Create the state maintainer fragment
* @return true: the frag was created for the first time
* false: recovering the object
public boolean firstTimeIn() {
try {
// Recovering the reference
mStateMaintainerFrag = (StateMngFragment)mFragmentManager.get().findFragmentByTag(mStateMaintenerTag);
// Creating a new RetainedFragment
if (mStateMaintainerFrag == null) {
Log.d(TAG, "Creating a new RetainedFragment " + mStateMaintenerTag);
mStateMaintainerFrag = new StateMngFragment();
return true;
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "Returns a existent retained fragment existente " + mStateMaintenerTag);
return false;
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Error firstTimeIn()");
return false;
* Insert Object to be preserved during configuration change
* @param key Object's TAG reference
* @param obj Object to maintain
public void put(String key, Object obj) {
mStateMaintainerFrag.put(key, obj);
* Insert Object to be preserved during configuration change
* Uses the Object's class name as a TAG reference
* Should only be used one time by type class
* @param obj Object to maintain
public void put(Object obj) {
put(obj.getClass().getName(), obj);
* Recovers saved object
* @param key TAG reference
* @param <T> Class type
* @return Objects
public <T> T get(String key) {
return mStateMaintainerFrag.get(key);
* Verify the object existence
* @param key Obj TAG
public boolean hasKey(String key) {
return mStateMaintainerFrag.get(key) != null;
* Save and manages objects that show be preserved
* during configuration changes.
public static class StateMngFragment extends Fragment {
private HashMap<String, Object> mData = new HashMap<>();
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Grants that the frag will be preserved
* Insert objects
* @param key reference TAG
* @param obj Object to save
public void put(String key, Object obj) {
mData.put(key, obj);
* Insert obj using class name as TAG
* @param object obj to save
public void put(Object object) {
put(object.getClass().getName(), object);
* Recover obj
* @param key reference TAG
* @param <T> Class
* @return Obj saved
public <T> T get(String key) {
return (T) mData.get(key);
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements MainMVP.RequiredViewOps {
protected final String TAG = getClass().getSimpleName();
// Responsible to maintain the Objects state
// during changing configuration
private final StateMaintainer mStateMaintainer = new StateMaintainer( this.getFragmentManager(), TAG );
// Presenter operations
private MainMVP.PresenterOps mPresenter;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(R.id.toolbar);
FloatingActionButton fab = (FloatingActionButton)findViewById(R.id.fab);
* Initialize and restart the Presenter.
* This method should be called after {@link Activity#onCreate(Bundle)}
public void startMVPOps() {
try {
if ( mStateMaintainer.firstTimeIn() ) {
Log.d(TAG, "onCreate() called for the first time");
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "onCreate() called more than once");
} catch ( InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e ) {
Log.d(TAG, "onCreate() " + e );
throw new RuntimeException( e );
* Initialize relevant MVP Objects.
* Creates a Presenter instance, saves the presenter in {@link StateMaintainer}
private void initialize( MainMVP.RequiredViewOps view ) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException{
mPresenter = new MainPresenter(view);
mStateMaintainer.put(MainMVP.PresenterOps.class.getSimpleName(), mPresenter);
* Recovers Presenter and informs Presenter that occurred a config change.
* If Presenter has been lost, recreates a instance
private void reinitialize( MainMVP.RequiredViewOps view)
throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
mPresenter = mStateMaintainer.get( MainMVP.PresenterOps.class.getSimpleName() );
if ( mPresenter == null ) {
Log.w(TAG, "recreating Presenter");
initialize( view );
} else {
mPresenter.onConfigurationChanged( view );
// Show AlertDialog
public void showAlert(String msg) {
// show alert Box
// Show Toast
public void showToast(String msg) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), msg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show;
今年早些时候,抖音悄然上线了一款名为“青桃”的 App,Slogan 为“看见你的热爱”,根据应用介绍可知,“青桃”是一个属于年轻人的兴趣知识视频平台,由抖音官方出品的中长视频关联版本,整体风格有些类似B站。
近日,一项新的研究发现,维生素 C 和 E 等抗氧化剂会激活一种机制,刺激癌症肿瘤中新血管的生长,帮助它们生长和扩散。
9月3日消息,亚马逊的一些股东,包括持有该公司股票的一家养老基金,日前对亚马逊、其创始人贝索斯和其董事会提起诉讼,指控他们在为 Project Kuiper 卫星星座项目购买发射服务时“违反了信义义务”。
据消息,为推广自家应用,苹果现推出了一个名为“Apps by Apple”的网站,展示了苹果为旗下产品(如 iPhone、iPad、Apple Watch、Mac 和 Apple TV)开发的各种应用程序。
特斯拉本周在美国大幅下调Model S和X售价,引发了该公司一些最坚定支持者的不满。知名特斯拉多头、未来基金(Future Fund)管理合伙人加里·布莱克发帖称,降价是一种“短期麻醉剂”,会让潜在客户等待进一步降价。
近日,根据美国证券交易委员会的文件显示,苹果卫星服务提供商 Globalstar 近期向马斯克旗下的 SpaceX 支付 6400 万美元(约 4.65 亿元人民币)。用于在 2023-2025 年期间,发射卫星,进一步扩展苹果 iPhone 系列的 SOS 卫星服务。
据报道,马斯克旗下社交平台𝕏(推特)日前调整了隐私政策,允许 𝕏 使用用户发布的信息来训练其人工智能(AI)模型。新的隐私政策将于 9 月 29 日生效。新政策规定,𝕏可能会使用所收集到的平台信息和公开可用的信息,来帮助训练 𝕏 的机器学习或人工智能模型。
罗永浩日前在直播中吐槽苹果即将推出的 iPhone 新品,具体内容为:“以我对我‘子公司’的了解,我认为 iPhone 15 跟 iPhone 14 不会有什么区别的,除了序(列)号变了,这个‘不要脸’的东西,这个‘臭厨子’。