A highly customizable and performant custom view to render curved line graph.
Step 1: Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.swapnil1104:CurveGraphView:{current_lib_ver}'
Step 3. Add CurveGraphView to your layout file
app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
curveGraphView = findViewById(R.id.cgv);
new CurveGraphConfig.Builder(this)
.setAxisColor(R.color.Blue) // Set X and Y axis line color stroke.
.setIntervalDisplayCount(7) // Set number of values to be displayed in X ax
.setGuidelineCount(2) // Set number of background guidelines to be shown.
.setGuidelineColor(R.color.GreenYellow) // Set color of the visible guidelines.
.setNoDataMsg(" No Data ") // Message when no data is provided to the view.
.setxAxisScaleTextColor(R.color.Black) // Set X axis scale text color.
.setyAxisScaleTextColor(R.color.Black) // Set Y axis scale text color
The graph view points the plot with keeping 2 values in mind, span and value span relates to the x-coordinate, and value relates to the y-coordinate. Create the object by providing values as shown below.
PointMap pointMap = new PointMap();
pointMap.addPoint(0, 100);
pointMap.addPoint(1, 500);
pointMap.addPoint(5, 800);
pointMap.addPoint(4, 600);
A GraphData object expects a PointMap, strokeColor of the graph, and an optional gradientColor. Create a GraphData object as shown below.
GraphData gd = GraphData.builder(this)
.setPointMap(pointMap) // PointMap datqa
.setGraphStroke(R.color.Black) // Graph line stroke color
.setGraphGradient(R.color.BlueViolet, R.color.RoyalBlue) // Graph fill gradient color
.setStraightLine(true) // true for straight line; false for curved line graph
.setPointRadius(10) // set point radius
.setPointColor(R.color.Red) // set point color
.animateLine(true) // Trigger animation for the particular graph line!
Provide the above constructed data to CurveGraphView via the curveGraphView.setData(int span, int maxVal, GraphData... gds) method. dscription of the params:
curveGraphView = findViewById(R.id.cgv);
new CurveGraphConfig.Builder(this)
.setAxisColor(R.color.Blue) // Set X and Y axis line color stroke.
.setIntervalDisplayCount(7) // Set number of values to be displayed in X ax
.setGuidelineCount(2) // Set number of background guidelines to be shown.
.setGuidelineColor(R.color.GreenYellow) // Set color of the visible guidelines.
.setNoDataMsg(" No Data ") // Message when no data is provided to the view.
.setxAxisScaleTextColor(R.color.Black) // Set X axis scale text color.
.setyAxisScaleTextColor(R.color.Black) // Set Y axis scale text color
.setAnimationDuration(2000) // Set animation duration to be used after set data.
PointMap pointMap = new PointMap();
pointMap.addPoint(0, 100);
pointMap.addPoint(1, 500);
pointMap.addPoint(4, 600);
pointMap.addPoint(5, 800);
GraphData gd = GraphData.builder(this)
.setGraphGradient(R.color.BlueViolet, R.color.RoyalBlue)
PointMap p2 = new PointMap();
p2.addPoint(0, 140);
p2.addPoint(1, 700);
p2.addPoint(2, 100);
p2.addPoint(3, 0);
p2.addPoint(4, 190);
GraphData gd2 = GraphData.builder(this)
.setGraphGradient(R.color.gradientStartColor, R.color.gradientEndColor)
//TODO(Swapnil) Optimize the setting logic code.
/** This needs to be done, onMeasure of Layout isn't called if setData is called in onCreate
* If anyone can take this up as their first issue, it'd be great!
new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
curveGraphView.setData(5, 1000, gd, gd2);
}, 250);