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【导 读】管仲在《管子·国蓄第七十三》中说“利出于一孔者,其国无敌;出二孔者,其兵不诎;出三孔者,不可以举兵;出四孔者,其国必亡”。






Might From a Small Hole, Benefits From One Source

From Ren Zhengfei, December 31, 2012

The New Year Message, 'Focus on Strategy, Simplify Management, Increase Efficiency', from our Rotating and Acting CEO, clearly presents our objectives for the new year. We must focus on our strengths, fully leverage the capabilities of our organization, tap into the self-motivation and creativity of our staff members along the fairway, and produce greater results.

As we know, water and air are among the most gentle stuff in the world. That's why water and breeze often carry praise. We also know that this same gentle air can send rockets into space. The high-speed exhaust that results from the burning of rocket fuel can generate tremendous thrust through a small hole in a device called a de Laval nozzle; the air expanding out of the nozzle can propel mankind into space. Water is as soft as a beauty, yet it can cut through steel plates once highly pressurized and forced through a small hole. This is 'might from a small hole'. Huawei is an ordinary company and our employees are ordinary people. In the past, our appraisal system focused on commonalities rather than individualities, and therefore failed to appropriately widen the gap between employees with respect to compensation and benefits. This practice frustrated some employees who had striven to create value. As a result, many excellent employees left Huawei. We ordinary ones stayed behind. Over 25 years, we have focused only on one goal and remained dedicated. We have never wavered. Now we have 150,000 employees. Just as water jetting from one hole, our efforts have achieved something amazing. This is 'might from a small hole'. We focus on our strategy to sharpen our global edge in a particular field. A sharp competitive edge proves that we do not need to have background to establish ourselves among the global leaders.

In addition, we adhere to the principle of 'obtaining benefits from one source'. Our EMT declaration has made it clear that all income of our most senior executives and key employees is confined to such items as salaries, incentives, and bonuses offered by Huawei. No income from outside Huawei is allowed. We have established organizations and systems which prevent anyone at Huawei, from the most senior officers down to the execution level, from gaining benefits by devouring collective interests through affiliate transactions. Over the past 20 years, our benefits have basically been derived from one source, thus creating a climate of united dedication among our 150,000 employees. We are aware that there are still many areas for improvement in our management; we are endeavoring to improve them. I believe our human resource policies will become more and more scientific if we adhere to the principle of 'obtaining benefits from one source'. Consequently, our employees will be more and more passionate about their work. Then there will be nothing we cannot conquer.

If we can adhere to the principles of 'gaining might from a small hole and obtaining benefits from one source', Huawei will not be the next to fall. However, if we diverge from these principles, Huawei will probably be the next to fall. History tells us that if large companies miss a turning point and start to decline, few of them can reverse the situation by restructuring themselves. Naturally, we would hate to fall; so we must restrain ourselves, observe rules, and stay united and dedicated.

With lofty aspirations and esprit de corps, we are striding across the Pacific Ocean.